Watch: Grandma Tricked Into Believing Chocolate Phone Is Actually An iPhone [Video]

You all know how it is. Christmas comes around each year and you have to find a way of entertaining yourself when you’re stuck with a house full of your nearest and dearest. What could possibly make that fun?

How about convincing an old lady that she’s just been given a shiny iPhone – that she has absolutely no use for whatsoever – and then filming the whole thing as she realizes that it’s just chocolate after all? What could possibly keep you entertained while also giving the internet that nice, warm glowing feeling more than making your grandmother look a bit silly in the name of YouTube hits?

Everyone’s a winner, surely.

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Now maybe we’re being overly touchy because we’re full of food and perhaps one or two bottles of something fizzy, but that just doesn’t seem like our kind of fun. Hopefully Grandma disagrees with us. So far the video has almost 12,000 views – at least it doesn’t have any ads running at the beginning of it!

This whole thing does remind us of one thing though, and that’s that while we may live and breath all things battery operated, not everyone else does. There’s a whole generation or two of people out there that just don’t care, and while there are always exceptions to every rule, it’s important to remember that just because someone doesn’t take the same interest in something as we do, they don’t deserve mocking.

Or having a video of it posted to the biggest online video website in the world.

But then again, maybe we’re just being a little touchy.

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