Verizon iPhone Users Can Now Track Data Usage Using Official iOS 8 Widget

There are many apps that help us to count how much data cellular data is being used on a monthly basis, and iOS 8 has a rather mundane data tracker nestled inside Settings > Cellular, but the reading of the carrier and device can, and often do, differ greatly. If you’re subbed to Verizon Wireless, you’ll be pleased to know that the official app now includes a data usage widget, so you can see exactly how many precious megs of data you have left before you’re to be either throttled or charged more.

As mobile consumers, we chomp through an unfathomable amount of mobile data on a regular basis, and while it’s easy to ignore how many megabytes were used in the streaming of that short HD clip we viewed last week, the bill that arrives at the end of the month will serve as a sobering reminder of what happens when allowances are exceeded. The days of unlimited plans are seemingly over, despite the fact that, worryingly, network operators can advertise “unlimited” plans that are actually very much capped, and as such, many of us pay as much attention to our data usage as we do our bank balance.

My Verizon widget mainMy Verizon widget main

My Verizon Mobile version 3.13.4 includes a neat widget that’ll give you precise readings on data usage, and what’s more, will automatically reset once the month’s up. This is great news if you’re a regular browser / downloader, and should help you to better manage how much you’re using throughout the month.


The My Verizon Data widget shows up in the Today view, and as well presenting you with a figure of how much data you’ve used versus your overall quota, also includes a useful progress bar, which means you can check the details at a glance.

Obviously, it’s not going to update by the second, so displays a set time of when the most recent count-up was made. Thus, if you’ve been on a downloading or streaming binge and quickly check to find little or no change to the usage stats, don’t fall into the trap of believing that you’ve somehow beaten the system or slipped under the net — it will catch up with you once Verizon pushes updated figures thereafter.

Not on Verizon? No problem. You can get a similar widget on iOS 8 by downloading the DataMan app. It has a lot of amazing features to keep track of your data, and is available to download right away from the App Store. DataMan Next costs just a dollar while DataMan Pro will set you back $4.99.

Anyway, if you’re a Verizon customer running iOS 8, this is a must-download, so grab it below, and let us know of your thoughts in the comments.

(Download: My Verizon Mobile for iOS on the App Store)

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