This Web App Brings Essential Photo Editing Tools To Your Browser, Lets You Make Quick Edits On The Fly

There was once a time when editing photos was something that would take a pretty high end computer and a graphics suite that was expensive enough to make your eyes water. These days though, it’s possible to do some rather impressive things using nothing but a Web browser and a nice stable Internet connection. Fotor is one service that lets users upload images and then edit them from the safety of the browser window, with no need for something as unwieldy as ‘real’ photo-editing software.

Free, and available at, the web app lets users do all kinds of things that range from the mundane to the image-changing. Resizing is probably the most simple thing we can do with an image editor here at Redmond Pie, and Fotor has us covered in that department. It’s when filters and proper image editing is needed that Fotor starts to shine though, and the fact that it’s all happening online somehow makes the magic seem even more impressive.

Fotor photo editingFotor photo editing

Filters, color correction, frames and HDR processing are just some of the features that Fotor can boast, meaning that the chances are that you won’t need to launch that heavyweight, and rather cumbersome photo-editing app you’ve been trying to avoid unless you happen to need to do something particularly adventurous. Fotor likely has what you need.

Beyond the fact that the entire Fotor experience is online, the most important and eye-catching feature has to be that price. At free, you really can’t complain at the value for money that web apps like Fotor represent, so if you need need to change the dimensions of that photo you took last week, or you’ve had that photo of the kids that needs re-touching for a couple of years, Fotor is worth checking out before you reach for the Photoshop tutorials, that’s for sure.

HDR FotorHDR Fotor

Keep in mind though, Fotor is not just a Web-only affair. Fotor’s array of apps are available on a wide range of platforms, covering iOS, Android, Windows and Mac. The mobile apps offer the same experience and photo editing tools you get on the Web version, but of course, a little scaled down, and mobile down to the very bones.

Be sure to check out Fotor’s mobile app too!

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