This iOS Concept Allows You To Set Reminders For Responding To Messages, And You Can Install It On Your iPhone Right Now

Messages ReminderMessages Reminder

The key to delivering a successful tweak, in my humble opinion, is making it work with iOS as if it were native, and the concept, which allows users to quickly set timed reply reminders from within the Messages app, does exactly that. When holding down on a text message or iMessage, the user is greeted with a new 'Remind' option, and from there, can choose whether they wish to be reminded in one, five, ten, or fifteen minutes; or indeed an hour if necessary.

Once that time option is set, the reminder is integrated straight into the Reminders app, so if you have your system of notifications uniformly channeled through iOS Reminders, you do not need to make any habitual changes in order to use this great little feature.


Currently, it's just a concept, and isn't immediately available to grab from Cydia. However, Tucker has hinted that it may arrive to jailbroken devices at some point in the future as a tweak, and if you really cannot wait to test it out, you can download the package via GitHub and install using these instructions.

With something like this integrated into your Messages app, you'll never forget those important responses again, and although it's currently unrefined (hence, not available as a tweak), it's certainly worth checking out.

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We all, at some point, find ourselves in a situation whereby we put off a task for a moment, forget it, and only get around to considering it again when it’s too late. In terms of our daily digital errands, this could take the form of replying to an e-mail, calling somebody back, or perhaps responding to a text massage; and iOS developer Joshua Tucker has created a beautiful concept to help deal with the latter.

Tucker is a seasoned UI and UX developer, and has particular affinity to the jailbreak scene, having been a speaker at JailbreakCon 2012 in which he announced several fine tweaks, including Emblem. This latest concept follows in the footsteps of some of his older creations in attempting to make everything appear smooth, clean, and most importantly, blended in.

Messages ReminderMessages Reminder

The key to delivering a successful tweak, in my humble opinion, is making it work with iOS as if it were native, and the concept, which allows users to quickly set timed reply reminders from within the Messages app, does exactly that. When holding down on a text message or iMessage, the user is greeted with a new ‘Remind’ option, and from there, can choose whether they wish to be reminded in one, five, ten, or fifteen minutes; or indeed an hour if necessary.

Once that time option is set, the reminder is integrated straight into the Reminders app, so if you have your system of notifications uniformly channeled through iOS Reminders, you do not need to make any habitual changes in order to use this great little feature.

Currently, it’s just a concept, and isn’t immediately available to grab from Cydia. However, Tucker has hinted that it may arrive to jailbroken devices at some point in the future as a tweak, and if you really cannot wait to test it out, you can download the package via GitHub and install using these instructions.

With something like this integrated into your Messages app, you’ll never forget those important responses again, and although it’s currently unrefined (hence, not available as a tweak), it’s certainly worth checking out.

Make sure to check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPad and iPod touch.

You can follow us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.