Tesla Roadster On Track To Enter Production In 2025, Musk Says

The long-awaited and much-vaunted Tesla Roadster is still on track to enter production in 2025. That’s according to Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

The Roadster was originally meant to enter production in 2020 which would have been three years after it was announced in 2017.

But various issues have since caused the Roadster to be delayed repeatedly, not least the COVID-19 pandemic that brought manufacturing to a halt around the world. However, Tesla’s inability to meet a deadline is legendary at this point and the Roadster is the poster child for that.

Now, Electrek reports that Musk has hinted that everything is still looking good for a 2025 production date. Speaking during Tesla’s Q2 2024 financial report Musk was asked about the Roadster timetable, with the CEO responding that “it will be something special.”

“With respect to Roadster, we’ve completed most of the engineering. And I think there’s still some upgrades we want to make to it, but we expect to be in production with Roadster next year. It will be something special.”

Musk has also said that Tesla intends to update the design of the Roadster given the fact that it is already seven years old and is still a year away from production, but details as to what that will entail are hard to come by. The original design looked very impressive indeed so it will be interesting to see what tweaks come via this refresh.

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