Apple is once again taking steps to remind everyone of the features the iPhone has to offer, this time launching a new features page that has been added to its website. The page consists of tiles which explain a particular feature, as well as media and links to Apple’s support documents.
Forbes has released its latest list of the world's richest people, and Kylie Jenner has taken over from Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg as the youngest self-made billionaire. Jenner is 21, while Zuckerberg was 23 when he made the list. While Zuckerberg makes his money from tech, Jenner's wealth comes from a successful cosmetic company.
Fans of emoji rejoice, for you now can look forward to 230 new emojis arriving at some point later this year. The new list comes after The Unicode Consortium finalized its list of new emojis, with the new characters set to expand how people are represented.
Facebook has today rolled out a new Facebook Messenger unsend feature that allows users to delete messages that they have sent, so long as they do it within ten minutes of them being dispatched.
Here’s how to give Google Chrome web browser a significant speed boost with just one click. As great as Chrome can be, it does tend to choke a little when under the strain of too many tabs, and unfortunately, many of us live in that situation day in, and day out. Thankfully, there is way around this, and it’s via a free Chrome Extension called OneTab.
Netflix has to pay for all that amazing first-party content somehow, and the company has today announced that it will be increasing the price of every subscription tier for its U.S. customers. is a new web app that allows the playing of Apple Music content from the comfort of a web browser, with users simply needing to log in to get access to their music.
Here is a list of the the worst passwords of the year 2018. Check here to see if yours is on the list as well.
Berlin-based security researcher has discovered that a Voxox-managed database was discoverable, completely unprotected, and even searchable for identifiable information like names and telephone numbers.
Forget Netflix; forget Hulu or any other streaming service that may be your current go-to for movies; YouTube could be the future of your streaming needs.