In the United States, there are several big-name companies vying for your business, and in recent years, T-Mobile has really shaken things up by offering devices and plans that undercut many of the longer-serving network operators. Today, T-Mobile has launched a fleet of prepaid data plans that will roll out later this month, including some impressive, unlimited deals at bargain rates.
In a move that managed to raise many eyebrows, T-Mobile has thrown in an industry-challenging data rollover plan for its 4G LTE users. The initiative - Uncarrier 8.0 - is T-Mobile's attempt at shaking up the industry, and with the new 'Data Stash' feature which basically allows users to carry over unused data over to the next month's bucket, it looks well poised at doing so.
Mobile phone plans are often quite expensive, but confusingly so. There's nothing worse than not really knowing how much money you have left or how long it will last because you're never really sure how much voice calls or text messages will cost. T-Mobile is trying to simplify the whole arrangement, and in doing so it may even have managed to make things cheaper for us too.
At a typically enthusiastic event yesterday, T-Mobile's enigmatic CEO and President John Legere announced that the company would be launching a new initiative that it hopes would remove the awful feeling of buyer's remorse - a well known problem in the gadget-buying world where we regret picking up that shiny new toy for whatever reason.
It's been six years in the making, but today finally sees an Apple iPhone released on one of North America's most liked, if not most used, carriers. T-Mobile, as of right now, carries the iPhone.
T-Mobile, the United States' fourth largest mobile carrier, recently revealed its intention to officially carry the Apple iPhone. Since then, PR mode has been in full flow, and as well as already offering one of the best deals around - particularly with the flagship iPhone 5 - T-Mo has now begun a trade-in program hoped to entice consumers into making the switch.
T-Mobile is finally about to carry the iPhone 5 officially, and those eager to get their hands on the device will be pleased to learn that it's now available to pre-order from both T-Mobile and Apple. With the launch scheduled for the 12th of this month, you'll only have to wait a week before receiving the T-Mobile iPhone 5, which will, in time, be fully compatible with the company's fledgling LTE infrastructure.
The wait may soon be over for those wishing to buy an iPhone on T-Mobile in the United States, but what about those already using their iPhones on the big purple carrier? While they’re happily using their devices currently, sans 3G, what about T-Mobile’s fancy new 4G LTE network?
Following on from the earlier news that T-Mobile would finally be carrying the iPhone as of early next month, the carrier has also revealed that Samsung's Galaxy S4 would be available in early May. CEO John Legere stated at the company's "UnCarrier" conference that the device will arrive "about May 1st," which means, providing no major hitches arise, consumers will only have to wait around five weeks to get their hands on Samsung's latest and greatest smartphone effort.
After what has seemed like an eternity in waiting, T-Mobile will finally begin carrying the iPhone 5 from April 12th. The carrier, which currently sits behind AT&T, Verizon and Sprint in the pecking order in the United States, will be the fourth major network to offer the Cupertino handset after the aforementioned, and as well as being compatible with T-Mobile's just-launched LTE network, there'll also be HD voice thrown into the mixer. The pricing structure is also rather impressive, with a 16GB iPhone 5 costing $99 up-front, followed by 24 monthly installments of $20.