For last few months, there were lot of speculations about the Apple’s upcoming tablet device. Lots of controversies in the meanwhile developed with respect to its features and more so to its naming. Many websites dropped several hints on web regarding its features whereas lot was discussed to find out what concepts Steve had at the back of his mind while going for this new device category.
Overwhelmed with joy and success, Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the much talked about device, the iPad, in front of the appreciative audience who were already at fever pitch at the event held at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Steve Jobs took the stage promptly at 10:00 AM this morning and received thunderous applause from the crowd for what he claims to be the most important thing he has ever done in his life.
Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer visited Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville the other day where a student asked him to sign his MacBook Pro. Ballmer, in his usual way signed the Mac right on the Apple logo with words which read "Need a new one? - Steve Ballmer”.
Dutch Apple community website One More Thing has expressed its love for Apple by writing, composing and producing a Christmas song called 'Christmas in Cupertino'. The song has been composed and recorded in two weeks time. Sjarrel & Sjaan, the two Dutch singers has sung the vocals of the song.
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