A six-person startup based out of San Francisco can now count the CEO of the wealthiest company in the world as one of its early high-profile investors. Apple head honcho Tim Cook has clearly been able to see the potential in Nebia's new water-efficient shower head technology that promises to bring with it an iconic design mixed together with a superior shower experience and projected water savings of up to 70-percent per shower taken. According to the product's Kickstarter page we've all taken a shower, but none of us have experienced Nebia.
Although the world of start-ups tends primarily to appeal to the general consumer, there are still plenty of upcoming brands targeting the affluent, well -off end of the scale. Uber, a company focusing on transportation technology, has just made a couple of huge strides with an assault on the Asian market, launching in UAE (Dubai) and India (Bangalore) contemporaneously, and in spite of its limited target audience and inherently flawed business model, looks set for a big push onto the world stage.