Rockstar Games and their Grand Theft Auto franchise have always managed to split public opinion right down the middle. The game, originally created by David Jones and Mike Daily, has managed to court with controversy ever since the original 2D release back in 1997. With the latest installation of GTA set to hit our shelves later on this year, Rockstar could be forgiven for sitting back and getting their heads down to finalize and polish the game, but instead they have taken the time to release part of the franchise's greatest appeal - the music.
Robert Gibbs who is the press secretary got some what annoyed with April Ryan, a White House correspondent for the American Urban Radio Network. During the course of an interview where she was questioning Gibbs regarding Desiree Roger, who is the social secretary at White House for having attended a diner sans invitation at White House, Gibbs got offended by it on Ryan. Although the transcript of the interview has not yet been released on the White House website, a segment of the interview has been leaked and can be read as follows.