If you have activated your iPhone through an unauthorized carrier (aka hacktivation) on iPhone 3.x, then your Push Notifications functionality in most cases will be broken. Even if you have tried getting it to work through “PushFix” via iPhoneil available in Cydia, it wont work as that fix uses a single shared certificate for all users who have installed it. This causes battery drainage and huge use of cellular data access.
We are giving away 5 (five) keys of PushFix 2.0 for unlocked iPhone 3.x for free with absolutely no strings attached. To qualify for the giveaway, you must have a jailbroken + hacktivated/unlocked iPhone (which is not activated with AT&T) because there is no point in giving it away to those who don't need it. You are also required to join RedmondPie.com and PushFix.info facebook fanpages (if you haven’t already) and then leave a comment here on this post you are reading with a legitimate email address for contact. Winners will be notified by email.