The Sony vs. Geohot trial rumbles on, after being granted access to Geohot’s hard drives, and the IP addresses of users who have been to his sites, the PlayStation 3 manufacturer has now sought (and received permission) to drag everyone else into the argument by requesting hacker George 'Geohot' Hotz's PayPal records stretching back fully 2 years.
Ok so that didn’t take too long. As reported by PSX-Scene, Sony’s latest firmware 3.60 for PlayStation 3 has been jailbroken successfully.
Sony has just pushed a new update for PlayStation 3 users, bumping the version number up to v3.60. This new version adds the ability to boot saved games into the cloud for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Also added is the ability to change the wait time for the system before it senses the inactivity and shuts down DualShock 3 and Sixaxis controllers.
The PS3 hacking scene is hotting up these days, but with Sony's current spat with George Hotz kicking off, it's unclear where the hackers will turn next. One potential new hero is Mathieu Hervais according to PSX-Scene.
Filed firmly in the 'cool but probably pointless' category, AndroidSpin brings us news that one clever XDA-Developer member has managed to find a way to turn your Android device into a wireless mouse for your PlayStation 3.
The current Sony vs. George (Geohot) Hotz saga is really turning into a soap-opera, and now according to PSX-Scene, it shows no sign of letting up. The latest drama revolves around computer hard drives a judge made Hotz hand over to investigators - it now appears the company charged with handling the data want to take clone images of both seized drives.
Ever looked at Android users with envy because they can use apps to turn their phone into a DLNA server, allowing them to stream music from it? Now there's no need to be envious, AirMusic is here and it's going to redress the balance.
Every-so-often an iOS app crosses our collective Redmond Pie radar that reminds us just why we love mobile devices so much. Today's little gem is everyAir, developed by Pandaelf.
After discussing the entire situation with his lawyers, Geohot has decided to start a blog yet again. He is asking for help and support from his fans in an effort to fight his case against Sony.
Sony's PlayStation 3 originally debuted in 2006, and has seen a face-lift and more than a few different models over the last 5 years. Could we be in for a shiny new addition to the PlayStation home console family soon? Probably not according to SlashGear.