Apple has finally unveiled the new MacBook Pro family which is powered by Intel Core i5 and Intel Core i7 processor. However the Core i5 and Core i7 option is only available for 15.4 and 17-inch models. The more popular 13-incher disappointingly stays on Core 2 Duo.
Since the introduction of iPhone (EDGE) in 2007, Apple remained the unipolar champion of the smartphone world. But its unchallenged supremacy has now been challenged by other stalwarts like Google’s Android, and the upcoming Windows Phone 7 Series by Microsoft. It will be obligatory for Apple to bring some innovative changes to the device and it just cannot afford the luxury of cooling its heels. In the meanwhile, Android continues to gather momentum, and whereas it lacks iPhone's content and elegance, yet it has started matching Apple in terms of features.
According to sources at AppleInsider, Apple is preparing Mac mini’s for Hi-Definition HDMI output along with a possible Blu-ray drive option; set to release sometime this year. Prototype screens of the new Mac mini has been making rounds which surprisingly sports a HDMI connector instead of the traditional DVI-connector found on the current models of the mini’s.
We informed you all yesterday about a Core i7 MacBook Pro, which was recently spotted in a Geekbench benchmark report. And now it seems like Apple may be set to launch one of these as early as Tomorrow. According to a French site named Nowhere Else, Apple will refresh its MacBook Pro lineup tomorrow just in time for the start of Macworld Expo.
The developers behind the popular iPhone game Touchgrind has published a video, which shows off a Mac version of the game, run and controlled by utilizing the multitouch capabilities of MacBook Pro’s mouse trackpad. This version of Touchgrind for OS X is only a technical demo and requires the newer MacBook’s with multitouch capable mouse trackpads.
The thinnest notebook in Apple’s MacBook line is Air which hasn't seen an upgrade since last June. This however may change soon but not before the similar upgrades for MacBook and MacBook Pro. A French site named HardMac speculates that due to non-availability of the new low-draw Intel Core i5 chips, MacBook Air with Core i5 may not ship at the same time as MacBook Pros.
A new promotional ad by Intel, which was sent out to US, UK and Spanish members of Intel Retail Edge Program has highlighted the upcoming Intel Core i5 powered MacBook Pro by Apple. The adverts which reads "Pass this month's trainings for 2 chances to win one of 2 MacBook Pro laptops with the accelerated response of an Intel Core i5 processor" clearly indicates towards a possible new, refreshed lineup of MacBook Pros.
Free Shipping Day 2009 has already started in most parts of the United States. For those of you who don't know, free shipping day is when most of the online retailers offers free shipping on selected items if you purchase items of certain amount from them. To celebrate this special day, Apple is offering free shipping offer on their 13, 15 and 17-inch MacBook Pro models.
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