According to a new court ruling, Google's use of Java in Android "was not fair" use, meaning Google is now potentially on the hook for billions of dollars in damages.
“Java is everywhere” is the official statement pertaining to the platform, and that’s as true as the sky being blue. The technology exists from within simplest of things to desktop computers, smartphones, tablets and whatnot. The usefulness of Java cannot be denied even in the slightest, either, since it’s the driver for delivery of a lot of content. It seems rather odd, then, that you’d want to disable something as useful as this. There’s a good reason for that, however, that we’ll discuss just past the jump.
While Facebook has increased its presence in the smartphone world exponentially, with robust apps for both Android and, to an even greater degree, iOS, the company is trying to get out the message that customers on lower-end phones, the so-called "dumb phones", are just as worthwhile. Facebook has now released an app for all Java-capable low-end phones, with support for 2,500 models according to the company.