We have already seen a tool named AirPlayer for Mac OS X which allows you to AirPlay videos from iOS devices to Macs. And now, a similar tool named AirMediaPlayer for Windows has been released which will allow you to stream videos wirelessly from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to your Windows PCs.
Apple has just released iTunes 10.1.1 for both Windows and Mac OS X. This seems to be a minor update, mainly addresses some bug fixes after the major update released last month.
One of the things that I find annoying when downloading apps from the App Store is that it closes right after you start downloading an app. This behavior not only hampers the otherwise great experience, but it also slows things down as you have to reopen App Store again and again after every purchase until you are done with your app shopping.
The developer behind the well known TinyUmbrella program has confirmed that a new upcoming update to his program will allow you to restore your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch to a selected iOS firmware without having to use iTunes.
If you have tried updating to the recently released iOS 4.2.1 update on iPhone 4 and encountered Error Code 1013 or Error Code 1611, then you are a not alone. This has been a common issue across all iOS devices updating to iOS 4.2.1 and Apple Support Discussion forums are full of users complaining about this issue.
Its official now! Apple has just issued a press release, confirming that the much awaited iOS 4.2.x software update will be be publicly available today for download via iTunes 10.1. Full press release is as follows
This is just in! The main Apple.com page has been updated with a message which reads: "Tomorrow is just another day. That you’ll never forget.".
New version of iREB for all iOS 4.1 devices is now available for download. You can use it to bypass 1604, 1603, 1602, 1601, 1600 error in iTunes during custom iOS 4.1 firmware restore which has been created using either Sn0wbreeze or PwnageTool.
Sources of MacStories have informed them that Apple will release final version of iTunes 10.1 along with Mac OS X 10.6.5 today, followed by the next major update of iOS (version 4.2) for iPhones, iPods and iPads on Friday, November 12, 2010. The arrival of OS X 10.6.5 and iTunes 10.1 before iOS 4.2 makes sense because they are required by iOS 4.2’s AirPrint and AirPlay functionalities.
Apple enthusiast site 9to5Mac is reporting that the new iOS 4.2 for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch will be publicly available sometime between 9 - 12 of November 2010. They have received conflicting reports from two German based websites who are claiming to have received this information individually.