The birth of iPad on January 27 has created waves all over the tech. world. In a sudden and surprise move, noticed Friday evening by many bloggers, books from Macmillan, one of the largest publishers in the United States, have been removed from The disappearance came in the wake of a dispute between and different book publishers that have been brewing between them for the last year or so. Macmillan, like other publishers, demanded Amazon to raise the price of electronic books from $9.99 to $15. Amazon expressed its strong disagreement reacted by temporarily removing Macmillan books. If this doesn't signal the upcoming eBooks/price war between Apple and Amazon? then I wonder what will.
For last few months, there were lot of speculations about the Apple’s upcoming tablet device. Lots of controversies in the meanwhile developed with respect to its features and more so to its naming. Many websites dropped several hints on web regarding its features whereas lot was discussed to find out what concepts Steve had at the back of his mind while going for this new device category.
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