iOS 8.1.1 untethered jailbreak has been demoed on video by iH8sn0w, opening up possibilities for a future jailbreak release. More details can be found right here.
The update to iOS 8.1.1 may have fixed some of the more ridiculous and irritating bugs that iOS 8 / 8.1 had managed to introduce, but it also has one undocumented benefit that will no doubt prove highly useful to those carrying iPhones and iPads with just 16GB of internal storage. Even though many have reported that they still need huge amounts of free space in order to install iOS 8.1.1, many have found that once they've gone through the entire update process they've been left with more space than when they started.
In order to achieve an iOS jailbreak of any kind, holes in the software must be found and exploited, and for the most part, there's a requirement of several exploits working in tandem. The Pangu8 jailbreak for iOS 8 / 8.1 utilized a multitude of security lapses in allowing us to reach the holy grail of Cydia once more, but while Apple just recently plugged three gaps in iOS 8.1.1 that had made Pangu8 possible, the Chinese hackers behind it have been given their due credits for discovering the flaws.
Battery life. iCloud Drive. Extension ordering. It's all here in the just released iOS 8.1.1. And it's lovely.
Apple rolled out iOS 8.1.1 beta a couple of days back, and along with the usual assortment of bug fixes and minor tweaks, the main alteration, at least as far as the jailbreak community is concerned, is the fact that it plugs exploits that have permitted Pangu8 to work its magic. Thus, when iOS 8.1.1 is deemed ready for prime time and Apple stops signing iOS 8.1, you will only then be able to update to iOS 8.1.1, which will in turn mean losing any immediate opportunity to jailbreak.
Major new releases of iOS tend to bring with them plenty of complaints of poor performance on older devices, and iOS 8 was no different with regard to how it ran on the iPhone 4s and iPad 2. Neither hardware is getting any younger, and with limited hardware at their disposal both the iPad 2 and iPhone 4s have been found dwindling in the old speed stakes.
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