Google has started sending invites for the upcoming Chrome OS event which will be held in San Francisco on December 7.
Just stumbled across this Android inspired theme for Google Chrome and thought I should share it with you all. If you happen to be an Android and Chrome user, you’ll fall in love with this theme.
Michael Arrington of TechCrunch is reporting on an interesting news regarding a Google branded netbook, which could launch late next year. This rumored netbook will of coarse run on top of Chrome OS with mobility features like support for 3G, and will be sold directly to consumers under the Google brand.
Google unveiled Chrome OS in an event yesterday where they demonstrated the upcoming cloud-based OS for the first time in public. Source code of Chrome OS was also released which folks over at gdgt have compiled in a ready-to-install .vmdk file. All you need now is a system running Windows, Linux or OS X with any of the virtualization software like VMware or VirtualBox installed to get Chrome OS running within minutes.
Google as expected, has announced its much awaited Operating system, Google Chrome OS. Google Chrome OS represents Google’s view point of what an OS should be like in this era. Originally announced back in July of this year, Google wanted to target its open source OS initially for netbooks users to provide them fast experience using reduced boot and startup time. Speed, security and simplicity will be the main aspects of Chrome OS.
Google has kept quite on the subject of Chrome OS since its initial announcement in July of this year, but apparently, an unstable version of Google Chrome OS Browser from Google Chrome OS Build 28902 has been leaked by Jonathan Frederickson of Living in a Google World, and is now available for download. The version number of the leaked browser in question is which is an integral part of Chrome OS Build 28902.
A group of ingenious hackers have posted an x86 version of Android OS that will run on your desktop computer. However, a few video and network card drivers aren’t compatible at the moment, but the team asks the users to contact them if there is a malfunction, so that they can add support.
Google today announced an open source, light weight operating system which is specifically designed for the netbook computers (initially). It’s Google's attempt to what operating systems should be in the year 2009. Chrome OS will be designed to work on both x86 and ARM architectures.
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