Samsung has today announced the availability of its new GamePad controller in select European markets. The Samsung GamePad is a second-generation product that offers an entirely new design, stepping away from its Xbox controller inspired design roots and bringing a fresh new look to the table.
The introduction and rise to prominence of the cloud in recent years has made the rigmarole of file sharing a whole lot less cumbersome. Moreover, mobile devices needn't be packed to the gills with storage space, for the cloud can hoard stuff we don't immediately need in a secure unit. This, of course, is a pretty idealistic view, since a lot of folks still like to retain files on a device for convenience or offline viewing, and if you've ever wished you could share said files without having to find some kind of Web-based middleman, PhotoFast's i-FlashDrive has your back.
Crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter are a great way for individuals and groups to take an idea to the masses, and in the past few years, we've seen some truly weird, wonderful and genuinely innovative products and services grow from a simple video and description to items used by millions. As impressed as we've been, a new iPhone/Android-controlled paper Airplane proves once again that we can be surprised and inspired all at one, and when you've seen the clip of it in action, you'll see why it has already smashed its funding goal several times over with over eight weeks still to run.
When Apple announced the original iPhone back in 2007, perhaps the biggest thing that Steve Jobs spoke about at the time was the new way of inputting data onto the device. Before then, smartphones had clunky hardware keyboards and small screens but now, post-iPhone, things were going to change, with large screens and software keyboards becoming the norm.
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