Swift Wi-Fi For Android Lets You Connect And Manage Wi-Fi Connections Right From Your Home Screen [VIDEO]


But what is Swift Wi-Fi, then?

In its simplest form, Swift Wi-Fi gives users instant access to Wi-Fi settings, effectively making it possible to connect to preferred Wi-Fi networks at a whim. No hunting through menus to change Wi-Fi networks, which can be a real pain if you are constantly flicking between two flakey hotspots. We've all been there, and it's a pain in the rear.

Long-pressing on a particular hotspot will also reveal more information about it. The level of security used, link speed and signal strength are all useful pieces of information that are presented to users, again, without having to hunting for them.


If all this sounds pretty cool, we haven't even told you the best part yet. Swift Wi-Fi is absolutely free, and it can be downloaded right now from the Google Play store. If you find yourself hitting the Android Wi-Fi settings more than any sane person should ever need to, then this little app may be something that is worth five minutes of your time. If it lives up to the screenshots and app description, then we are sure it will have a place on your home screen.

Download Swift Wi-Fi for Android [Google Play link]

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If there are two things that Android has over its iOS competition, they are both personified by the app we are about to tell you about. It is an app that would never see the light of day in Apple’s App Store, and shows just how useful having a wide open app development playing field can be.

The two advantages we are talking about both revolve around how apps are managed inside both the iOS and Android ecosystems. This app – it’s called Swift Wi-Fi by the way – hooks right into the device’s internal Wi-Fi settings and hardware, something Apple would never allow. Equally, the app would find it difficult to work on iOS simply because widgets are not something that exist on an iPhone unless you are happy to enter the world of jailbreaking. Whether that is your particular cup of tea is possibly a subject for another time.

But what is Swift Wi-Fi, then?

In its simplest form, Swift Wi-Fi gives users instant access to Wi-Fi settings, effectively making it possible to connect to preferred Wi-Fi networks at a whim. No hunting through menus to change Wi-Fi networks, which can be a real pain if you are constantly flicking between two flakey hotspots. We’ve all been there, and it’s a pain in the rear.

Long-pressing on a particular hotspot will also reveal more information about it. The level of security used, link speed and signal strength are all useful pieces of information that are presented to users, again, without having to hunting for them.

If all this sounds pretty cool, we haven’t even told you the best part yet. Swift Wi-Fi is absolutely free, and it can be downloaded right now from the Google Play store. If you find yourself hitting the Android Wi-Fi settings more than any sane person should ever need to, then this little app may be something that is worth five minutes of your time. If it lives up to the screenshots and app description, then we are sure it will have a place on your home screen.

Download Swift Wi-Fi for Android [Google Play link]

Be sure to check out our Android Apps gallery to explore more apps for your Android device.

You can follow us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.