How To Sideload Snapchat++ On iOS Without Jailbreak

Snapchat hacks 2018 series: Here’s how to download and install Snapchat++ IPA on iOS 11 or iOS 10 without jailbreak.

Are you an avid Snapchat user who loves the features within the app but wishes that Snap Inc. would introduce new functionality? Do you love sending and receiving time limited Snaps, but wish that you could have a version of Snapchat that did just that little bit more for enhanced experienced? If so, then what you’re looking for is probably Snapchat++, a modified version of the official app that introduces a whole heap of new functionality that Snap Inc. don’t want you getting your hands on. Best of all, it works just fine with iOS 11 as well with no jailbreak being required.


If you are already familiar with the Pokemon Go++ or WhatsApp++ apps, then you may have an immediate understanding of what Snapchat++ is. If not, then it’s basically the main Snapchat app as downloaded and consumed from the official iOS App Store, but modified and offered independent of said App Store to introduce a load of new features that simply aren’t in the official app. From a features perspective, you get everything that’s offered officially with the App Store version, but also additional functionality, such as being able to choose which Stories to automatically save, and the location that they should be saved to.

There’s also additional in-depth functionality that determines exactly how Stories should work on Snapchat. The same level of treatment is also applied to Snaps, giving more power over how they are saved and the saved location for easier access going forward. There’s also a dedicated “Snapchat+ Media Vault” area that allows control over incoming and outgoing saved Snaps.

You can check out all of the additional settings you will be getting your hands on as part of the Snapchat++ experience in the screenshot below:


Part of the fun of something like Snapchat++ is not only getting it on your device independent of the App Store, but also interacting with it to find out all of the features and new things to play with that enhances the experience. If you are wanting to go ahead and get up and running with Snapchat++, then it’s possible to do it in one of two ways, and as you might have guessed, we have the information for you.

First, you need to delete the Snapchat app from your iOS device that you may have installed from the App Store. Then using a computer, download the Snapchat++ IPA file from here.

You will then need to sideload the downloaded patched ++ version of Snapchat IPA file to get the full Snapchat++ experience.

As for how to sideload/install Snapchat++ file on your device, you can perform the necessary steps using two methods, one which involves using Xcode, and second which involves Cydia Impactor. The Cydia Impactor method also works for those who are on Windows. Both methods work without requiring any jailbreak on the device.

For instructions on how to sideload using Xcode, you can follow our guide here: How To Sideload iOS Apps Without Jailbreak Using Xcode For Free. Instructions on how to do the same using Cydia Impactor can be found here: Sideload iOS Apps On Windows, Mac With Cydia Impactor Without Jailbreak, Here’s How.

Once done, you will be able to unleash all those advanced Snapchat features on your iPhone or iPad that were previously only exclusive to jailbroken users.

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