Well some more bad news for early adaptors of iPad 2 who wants to jailbreak their shiny new device. After the confirmation of Limera1n being patched in iPad 2’s bootrom, MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev Team has now confirmed that early testing of SHAtter shows that it has also been patched by Apple in iPad 2.
MuscleNerd: iPad2 bootrom version iBoot-838.3 means it was compiled March’10. Seems geohot guessed right: limera1n was already closed
MuscleNerd: Early testing also seems to show at least one thing SHAtter depends on was gone by March 2010 too
MuscleNerd: This means any early iPad2 jailbreaks will have to be purely userland
In case you don’t already know, all the current jailbreak tools are using Geohot’s bootrom based Limera1n exploit to jailbreak iOS based devices on the latest firmware. Since Limera1n exploit exists in the hardware, only a hardware revision from Apple could have patched it. Geohot released Limera1n back in October last year and forced the Chronic Dev Team to save their SHAtter exploit to jailbreak future devices such as the iPad 2.
But unfortunately, Apple had already patched both the exploits back in March 2010, long before they were found by Geohot (Limera1n) and Chronic Dev Team (SHAtter).
So what now? Bootrom based exploits have more life, but they are harder to find as they exist in the hardware. Geohot has been known for finding such exploits but since he is now busy in Sony-PS3 lawsuit, someone like pod2g (who found SHAtter and kernel based untethered exploit for GreenPois0n RC5) will have to come up with a new exploit which will obviously going to take some time. And even if he finds one, I doubt he is gonna release it since iPhone 5 launch is just around the corner (summer 2011).
So now we will have to wait for someone like Comex, who specializes in userland-based jailbreaks, to do their magic and bring yet another JailbreakMe like tool to jailbreak iOS 4.3 firmware on the iPad 2.
As always, we will keep you updated ! Stay tuned for more!
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