How To Reinstall PP App On iOS 9.3.3 If Deleted Or Removed Accidentally

The recently released Pangu Team jailbreak may have been extremely well received for those looking to jailbreak compatible devices running iOS 9.3.3, but it seems to be causing some confusion as to how it actually works and the requirements going forward.

Seasoned jailbreakers understand the difference between tethered and semi-untethered solutions, but it looks as though some individuals are actually deleting the PP app from their device once the jailbreak is complete thinking that it is no longer needed. Of course, that’s simply not the case.


The semi-untethered nature of this particular jailbreak means that if the device is restarted or rebooted, then the PP app needs to be invoked on the device to put the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch back into a jailbroken state. The bad news is that for those who have deleted it, either accidentally or on purpose, there’s no way to run it from device. The good news is that there is a way to get it back on the device in a few short steps.

Step 1: The PP app, which is an integral part of this latest jailbreak solution, can be reinstalled from your computer. Run the Pangu/PP Helper tool from your computer with the iOS device connected via USB.

If you don’t have it installed, you can get it from here: Download Pangu iOS 9.3.3 / 9.3.2 Jailbreak For Windows.

Step 2: When the app is running, you should be presented with a screen showing information about your connected device. Of course, that will be in Chinese but the interface should give the general gist of what’s happening. To the right of the device mock-up, there are five circular buttons of varying colors. Click on the middle button as seen in the image below.

The process should then be automated from here on in. The software will once again go through the process of redoing part of the jailbreak process, which will result in the PP app – that you deleted – being reinstalled to the device.

Step 3: Once you get the PP app back on your iOS device, run it to re-jailbreak your device and put it back into jailbreak mode. More details on how to do this can be found here: Re-Jailbreak Pangu / PP On iOS 9.3.3 After Reboot, Here’s How.

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