QuickComposer – iOS 5 Notification Center Widget That Makes Composing Tweets And More, Quicker


Created by well-known iOS skinner iHaz3, QuickComposer basically offers up to five tappable icons which, once prodded, launch users right into the required apps.

The five icons represent the following five functions:

  • Email - create a new email using the default email account
  • SMS - create a new SMS or iMessage
  • Twitter - takes users straight to the new tweet composing screen inside the official Twitter app
  • Notes - allows users to create a new note using the Notes app
  • Reminders - takes users to the new reminder creation screen inside Reminders.

QuickComposer will be available for download from the jailbreak App Store, Cydia and we suggest you keep tabs on iHaz3's Twitter account for release information.

QuickComposer is just another in a long line of iOS 5 Notification Center widgets to come out of the jailbreak community since the first beta arrived two weeks ago. With no information as to whether Apple will open up the widgets to App Store developers as yet, it's clear the jailbreak community has sent a message to the guys in Cupertino - we want widgets, and we want them now!

If you’re not already jailbroken, we have two guides to help you with jailbreaking iOS 5 via Redsn0w, with information here, or by using Sn0wbreeze.

(via iPhoneItalia)

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Those third-party Notification Center Widgets for the iPhone just keep on coming don’t they? The latest, QuickComposer, brings a handy shortcut to composing new emails and more right from within iOS 5’s Notification Center.

Created by well-known iOS skinner iHaz3, QuickComposer basically offers up to five tappable icons which, once prodded, launch users right into the required apps.

The five icons represent the following five functions:

  • Email – create a new email using the default email account
  • SMS – create a new SMS or iMessage
  • Twitter – takes users straight to the new tweet composing screen inside the official Twitter app
  • Notes – allows users to create a new note using the Notes app
  • Reminders – takes users to the new reminder creation screen inside Reminders.

QuickComposer will be available for download from the jailbreak App Store, Cydia and we suggest you keep tabs on iHaz3’s Twitter account for release information.

QuickComposer is just another in a long line of iOS 5 Notification Center widgets to come out of the jailbreak community since the first beta arrived two weeks ago. With no information as to whether Apple will open up the widgets to App Store developers as yet, it’s clear the jailbreak community has sent a message to the guys in Cupertino – we want widgets, and we want them now!

If you’re not already jailbroken, we have two guides to help you with jailbreaking iOS 5 via Redsn0w, with information here, or by using Sn0wbreeze.

(via iPhoneItalia)

Check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.