ProSwitcher for iPad Brings Palm Pre Like Multitasking ! Now Available for Download

ProSwitcher for iPadProSwitcher for iPad

Since there is still lots of time (fall 2010) before Apple releases iOS 4 for iPad with multitasking support, ProSwitcher for iPad is the best solution to get more out of your portable tablet computer. You will of course need a jailbroken iPad to get this to work. Simply add as a source in Cydia and install “ProSwitcher” for iPad.

ProSwitcher for iPad (1)ProSwitcher for iPad (1)

We will have a short video of ProSwitcher for iPad in action soon. Stay tuned!

Note: This app is still a work in progress and so may have memory leaks, and bugs here and there.

Check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

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The developers behind Infiniboard, Infinidock, ProSwitcher and the UI designer of Spirit untethered jailbreak tool for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch has just released the alpha version of ProSwitcher app for iPad. ProSwitcher for iPad enables switching between applications (multitasking) running in background in a beautiful Palm Pre style card view mode. It basically act as a graphical extension to the already popular app from Cydia called Backgrounder to present all opened apps in a tabbed view, similar to the view seen on Mobile Safari browser.

Since there is still lots of time (fall 2010) before Apple releases iOS 4 for iPad with multitasking support, ProSwitcher for iPad is the best solution to get more out of your portable tablet computer. You will of course need a jailbroken iPad to get this to work. Simply add as a source in Cydia and install “ProSwitcher” for iPad.

We will have a short video of ProSwitcher for iPad in action soon. Stay tuned!

Note: This app is still a work in progress and so may have memory leaks, and bugs here and there.

Check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

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