Press Is An Elegant, Beautiful RSS Reader For Android [VIDEO]

PressAndroidApp (1)PressAndroidApp (1)

Everything within the app is a mere swipe away, and since there are no ads, you won't find yourself unwittingly redirected if you become a little swipe-happy. It syncs with Google Reader very easily indeed, and if you spend a lot of time on the subway, you can file much of your content away for offline reading.

PressAndroidApp (1)PressAndroidApp (1)

The slick nature of the zooming functionality is somewhat akin to Flipboard, and the ability share and bookmark specific articles is another Press feature many of you will have become accustomed to on the world's most popular webzine app.

Having played around with this app for a considerable amount of time, I am very impressed, and it certainly comes good on its impeccable reputation. Hitherto, I've been using Feeddler Pro on iPhone and iPad, but for my Nexus 7, I am definitely going with Press as my go-to option for Google Reader.

It costs just $1.99, and is easily the best we've seen for Android here at Redmond Pie. Sure, RSS readers are being replaced by the likes of Twitter, but for the traditionalists, I challenge you to find a better offering than Press.

(Source: Press for Android on Google Play)

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Mobile devices ensure that catching up with the latest news and feeds is a doddle. Whether you’re looking for a magazine, or just want an update from your favorite sources, there are more apps available than most people would care to count. Press, a Google Reader app for Android, is a prime example of such an app done properly, and not only it organizes your content in an easy-to-find interface, but is arguably the best looking application in its field.

As somebody who has always enjoyed the medium of RSS, I have seen many different apps in the past five years or so, and while there have been one or two noteworthy stand-outs, like Reeder on iOS, I daresay none have come close to toppling Press, at least on Android.

It’s as simple as its name implies, and if you are – as we – fans of minimalistic UIs, you’d be hard pressed (pun cautiously intended) to find a cleaner layout than this. As you can see from the screenshots of the app in action, I’m not telling lies:

Everything within the app is a mere swipe away, and since there are no ads, you won’t find yourself unwittingly redirected if you become a little swipe-happy. It syncs with Google Reader very easily indeed, and if you spend a lot of time on the subway, you can file much of your content away for offline reading.

The slick nature of the zooming functionality is somewhat akin to Flipboard, and the ability share and bookmark specific articles is another Press feature many of you will have become accustomed to on the world’s most popular webzine app.

Having played around with this app for a considerable amount of time, I am very impressed, and it certainly comes good on its impeccable reputation. Hitherto, I’ve been using Feeddler Pro on iPhone and iPad, but for my Nexus 7, I am definitely going with Press as my go-to option for Google Reader.

It costs just $1.99, and is easily the best we’ve seen for Android here at Redmond Pie. Sure, RSS readers are being replaced by the likes of Twitter, but for the traditionalists, I challenge you to find a better offering than Press.

(Source: Press for Android on Google Play)

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