PreBrowser Palm Pre like Web Browser for Jailbroken iPhone

PreBrowser PreBrowser for iPhone

After playing with it for a few hours, I have surprisingly found it a tad faster (for some sites) than the native Mobile Safari browser on the iPhone. The only downside to it is that it costs $1.99 from Cydia store. If you want a full screen Palm Pre style browser on your iPhone, go for PreBrowser which can act as a nice alternative to the built-in Mobile Safari web browser.

You can download PreBrowser via Cydia from BigBoss repository. You will need to jailbreak your iPhone to try this app. Follow our complete step by step guide for jailbreaking you iPhone and iPod touch if you haven’t already.

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PreBrowser is a web browsing application for jailbroken iPhone and iPod touch which has been inspired by the web browser in Palm Pre. PreBrowser runs in full screen with tabs which gives it a look and feel from Palm Pre. The main UI of the app is plain and simple, with only one single “menu” button to go on the top left. Clicking on “view tabs” presents a beautiful cover flow like mode for all the opened tabs in the browser.

After playing with it for a few hours, I have surprisingly found it a tad faster (for some sites) than the native Mobile Safari browser on the iPhone. The only downside to it is that it costs $1.99 from Cydia store. If you want a full screen Palm Pre style browser on your iPhone, go for PreBrowser which can act as a nice alternative to the built-in Mobile Safari web browser.

You can download PreBrowser via Cydia from BigBoss repository. You will need to jailbreak your iPhone to try this app. Follow our complete step by step guide for jailbreaking you iPhone and iPod touch if you haven’t already.

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