Pages from iWork for iPad Ported to iPhone 4 (iOS 4)

iWork suite will probably come to iPhones (maybe an iPhone 4 only exclusive like iMovie?) officially sometime this year. But apparently, an iPhone dev/hacker has already managed to get iPad version of Pages up and running on the higher resolution screen of iPhone 4. According to him, he has managed to do this by hacking the info.plist file in iOS 4 and then resigning it.

Pages on iPhone 4 Click here to see the image in iPhone 4’s full high-res (960 x 640)

Just got Pages up and running on my iPhone 4 (w/ a little hacking). Seems like it runs on OS 4

@buzzert bit of Info.plist hacking and re-signing!

The title bar though looks messy, but it is understandable considering the fact that this is iPad version of Pages which was designed for large higher resolution display of iPad. Hopefully, it will be available for everyone to download soon, along with other apps from iWork suite such as Keynote and Numbers.

Check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone and iPad. [via Twitter]

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