It is not the first time that we have seen a Windows 7 build being leaked out from Microsoft labs to the world of Internet. It has been confirmed that Windows 7 Build 7057 with build string of 7057.0.x86fre.winmain. 090305 2000 has been leaked.
Windows 7 Build 7048 includes some cool new icons. Here is a full illustration of all the new icons included in this Build(7048) of Windows 7. All these new icons from Windows 7 Build 7048 can be downloaded here.
Just about a few days ago, Amazon revealed Kindle 2 – a book reading device from Amazon which allows you to read books via a 6″ display screen on the device. Advantages include being able to download book through a wireless connection that connects directly to Amazon’s Kindle Store that boast over 90,000 popular titles.
As was expected, Microsoft today has released the Service Pack 2 Release Candidate build for both Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 to general public. Just a few days ago, we posted exclusive screenshots from Windows Vista SP2 RC when it was released to Microsoft Connect testers, MSDN and TechNet subscribers.
Microsoft has released Service Pack 2 RC version of Windows Vista to Microsoft Connect testers, MSDN and TechNet subscribers. The Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista is part of the ongoing process to improve the performance and stability of Windows Vista.
The General Manager of Visual Studio Developer Division has unveiled the new WPF-based UI of the upcoming Visual Studio 2010. One of the biggest visual change which Microsoft is trying to bring into this 2010 release of Visual Studio is that they are trying to completely redesign the Visual Studio editor shell – bringing in a rich WPF-based UI.
Apple has released a public beta of the upcoming Safari 4 for both Windows and Mac users. Apple has posted a huge list of all the features new to this release. The most prominent of these features is the new “Top Sites” features which works identical to the way how “Most Visited” page works in Google Chrome.
Have you ever wished to have all your events and birthday reminders from your facebook calendar to your calendar in Windows Live? Thanks to fbCal with the help of which you can export your events and birthday reminders in facebook to your calendar in Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple iCal and of course Windows Live.
In addition to the announcement of Windows phones featuring Windows Mobile 6.5, Microsoft also announced two new services at Mobile World Conference in Barcelona: My Phone, to sync text messages, photos, video, contacts and more to the Web.
In his keynote address at the Mobile World Conference 2009, Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer unveiled the next generation of Windows phones which will be based on Windows Mobile 6.5 and features a new interface and a richer browsing experience.