OS X El Capitan 10.11 Beta 5 Is Now Available To Download

Apple has just released a new beta version of OS X 10.11 El Capitan for download. Now up to beta 5, this seed surprisingly comes less than a week after beta 4 was released to developers.

Apple’s usual release schedule cycle is two weeks between each beta release. The timing of beta 5 indicates that it has likely been released to patch an emergency bug in beta 4.

El Capitan mainEl Capitan main

If you already have a previous version of OS X El Capitan beta installed on your Mac, simply update to the latest beta 5 release directly from the Mac App Store.

If this is the first time you’re installing OS X El Capitan, you will need to download and install it from scratch from the Member Center on Apple Developer Program website. We have a detailed step by step guide on how to install El Capitan alongside Yosemite on a separate partition on your Mac, that you can follow here: Install And Dual-Boot OS X El Capitan With Yosemite On Separate Partition [Tutorial].

El Capitan beta 5El Capitan beta 5

Apple unveiled OS X El Capitan at WWDC in June. The first beta was released to developers right after the event while a public beta program was released for non-developers earlier this month.

OS X El Capitan is the successor to OS X Yosemite. The final version of El Capitan is scheduled to release this fall.

Check out our hands-on video walkthrough on the best features coming to your Mac with OS X El Capitan here Our Top 5 Favorite OS X El Capitan Features [Hands-On Video], or directly in the video embedded below:

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