Nike Announces October 15th Media Event, Highly Likely For Next-Gen FuelBand

Nike may be renowned as one of the most influential makers and manufactures of sportswear and such, but with those close ties to Apple, the company has delved frequently into the technology industry. From watches to pedometers, we’ve seen a bunch of gadgetry released by the Washington County-based outfit, but with the FuelBand, it does feel to many as though the company has finally arrived. Now, its successor looks just a couple of weeks away from announcement, with an official event scheduled to be taking place on October 15th.

Although the current FuelBand has by no means taken the fitness and physical activity world by storm, it has shown enough about it for many to hold it in high regard. In fact, the vast majority of those in ownership of the wearable gizmo seem relatively happy with their purchase, and enjoy the numerous features while tracking progress.

FuelBand iPhoneFuelBand iPhone

The passive nature in which it operates has helped many to overcome the potentially off-putting price, and once a consumer has taken the plunge, all they really need to do is fire up the easy-to-use app, and the tech essentially takes care of the rest. The concept has proven to be a genuine winner, and it’s no surprise to see Nike coming back for more.

Naturally, the rumor mill is currently whirring with various different reports attempting to predict some of the second-gen FuelBand’s most exciting quirks and new features, and by the sounds of things, it could be quite a treat to behold. Although the form factor will remain vaguely similar, it’s thought that it will consist of better materials, and include other useful features like BLE, or Bluetooth Low Energy, and improved battery life.

NikeFuel forum inviteNikeFuel forum invite

The purpose of the event is to touch upon “the future of the digital world and physical activity,” something to which Nike clearly feels it is going to be an integral part of, and although there are plenty of other ways to monitor general activity, Nike has – as it always does – just made things that little bit cooler.

We shall be following all of the days events with our usual, extensive coverage, so if the prospect of a new FuelBand has piqued your interest as it well and truly has ours, then be sure to stay tuned to our coverage here at Redmond Pie!

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