New Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts [List]

Windows 10 has now been with us for a number of days with initial consumer reaction suggesting that it’s a hit with those who have already upgraded from Windows 7 or 8.1. Sitting amongst the many changes and improvements within Windows 10, comes a new focus on the desktop, and with that ultimately comes a whole new set of keyboard shortcuts for desktop users to memorize and get to grips with. As you might expect, we are right there by your side with a comprehensive list of the available shortcuts that are centric to Cortana, Activity Center, Microsoft Edge and much, much more.

Regardless of whether you’re a general user who interacts generally in the web browser, or even a hardcore user who deals with new features like Cortana, Virtual desktops, Activity Center or recording of the screen, this list should have enough shortcuts to sort out your needs.

Windows 10 Keyboard ShortcutsWindows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here’s a list of keyboard shortcuts that are new in Windows 10:

Windows Key‌+S – Open search
Windows Key‌+C – Open Cortana in listening mode

Activity Center
Windows Key+A – Open Action center
Windows Key+V – Cycle through notifications
Windows Key+Shift+V – Cycle through notifications in reverse order
Windows Key+B – Set focus in the notification area

Virtual Desktops
Windows Key+Ctrl+D – Add a virtual desktop
Windows Key+Ctrl+Right arrow – Switch between virtual desktops you’ve created on the right
Windows Key+Ctrl+Left arrow – Switch between virtual desktops you’ve created on the left
Windows Key+Ctrl+F4 – Close the virtual desktop you’re using
Windows Key+Tab – Open Task view

Game bar
Windows Key+G – Open Game bar when a game is open
Windows Key+Alt+G – Record the last 30 seconds
Windows Key+Alt+R – Start recording (press the shortcut again to stop recording)
Windows Key+Alt+Print Screen – Take a screenshot of your game
Windows Key+Alt+T – Show/hide recording timer

Microsoft Edge
Ctrl+D – Add current site to favorites or reading list
Ctrl+J – Open downloads pane
Ctrl+I – Open favorites pane
Ctrl+H – Open history pane
Alt+C – Open Cortana
Ctrl+Shift+R – Enter reading view
F12 – Open F12 Developer Tools
F7 – Turn caret browsing on for the current tab
Ctrl+K – Duplicate tab
Ctrl+Shift+P – Open a new InPrivate Browsing window

Windows Key+K – Open the Connect quick action
Windows Key+I – Open Settings
Windows Key+E – Open File Explorer
Windows Key+H – Open the Share charm
Windows Key+T – Cycle through apps on the task bar
Ctrl+Shift+Esc – Open Task Manager

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