Microsoft: iPhone 4 = Windows Vista [Yay or Nay?]

Windows VistaWindows Vista

One of the things I want to make sure you know today is that you're going to be able to use a Windows Phone 7 and not have to worry about how you're holding it to make a phone call.

The iPhone's position isn't unassailable, We're back in the game, And this game is not over.

Launched back in 2007, Windows Vista was the successor to Windows XP and was heavily criticized by both media and users for problematic drivers at launch, along with slow and sluggish performance. Even though Microsoft fixed lots of issues with two Service Packs for Vista, along with heavy promotional advertising campaign, but the bad press and word of mouth which Vista got at launch meant that it would go down in history as one of the worst operating system for the Redmond-based company.

Apple iPhone 4Apple iPhone 4

So will iPhone 4 have same fate as Vista? To be honest, I never had any issues with Vista. Of course Windows 7 is a great improvement over Vista, but that doesn’t mean Vista was bad. In fact, once I started using Vista (in 2006), I never looked back to XP. And same is the case for me with iPhone 4. I have never had that reception issue (see my video here) which everyone keeps talking about, or that yellow spot problem, or the faulty proximity sensor. Maybe its just me, or maybe the unit I got was an exceptional one? I don’t know. To me, both in the case of Windows Vista and iPhone 4, media just blew all the issues completely out of proportion for both the flagship products of the respective companies.

Let me know what you think about this in the comments section below. [via Engadget, Computerworld]

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There is no question about Windows Vista being a PR failure for Microsoft. But so is iPhone 4 turning out to be one for Apple. Speaking at Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner Conference, the Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft Kevin Turner called iPhone 4 a Windows Vista of Apple. "It looks like the iPhone 4 might be their Vista, and I’m okay with that.”, said Turner in his keynote address on Windows Phone 7 at Microsoft WPC. He further added:

Windows VistaWindows Vista

One of the things I want to make sure you know today is that you’re going to be able to use a Windows Phone 7 and not have to worry about how you’re holding it to make a phone call.

The iPhone’s position isn’t unassailable, We’re back in the game, And this game is not over.

Launched back in 2007, Windows Vista was the successor to Windows XP and was heavily criticized by both media and users for problematic drivers at launch, along with slow and sluggish performance. Even though Microsoft fixed lots of issues with two Service Packs for Vista, along with heavy promotional advertising campaign, but the bad press and word of mouth which Vista got at launch meant that it would go down in history as one of the worst operating system for the Redmond-based company.

So will iPhone 4 have same fate as Vista? To be honest, I never had any issues with Vista. Of course Windows 7 is a great improvement over Vista, but that doesn’t mean Vista was bad. In fact, once I started using Vista (in 2006), I never looked back to XP. And same is the case for me with iPhone 4. I have never had that reception issue (see my video here) which everyone keeps talking about, or that yellow spot problem, or the faulty proximity sensor. Maybe its just me, or maybe the unit I got was an exceptional one? I don’t know. To me, both in the case of Windows Vista and iPhone 4, media just blew all the issues completely out of proportion for both the flagship products of the respective companies.

Let me know what you think about this in the comments section below. [via Engadget, Computerworld]

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