Marketplace for Windows Phones Updated, Brings Apps from All Regions

Windows Phone MarketplaceWindows Phone Marketplace

Earlier this week, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer unveiled the next generation of Windows phones called the Windows Phone 7 Series in his keynote address at the Mobile World Congress 2010. Windows Phone 7 Series refers to the next-generation Windows phones running Windows Phone OS 7.0. The current version of Windows Mobile 6.5.x and Windows Marketplace for Mobile however aren't dead yet. They are going to co-exist with the new platform and will be rebranded as Windows Phone Classic and Windows Phone Marketplace respectively. More info on Windows Phone Classic and Windows Phone 7 Series will be unveiled next month at this years MIX10 conference in Las Vegas.

Windows Phone MarketplaceWindows Phone Marketplace Windows Phone MarketplaceWindows Phone Marketplace

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Microsoft has finally updated the Windows Marketplace for Mobile to version 1.2.1417.0001 . This new version brings the much needed feature where users can now select on whether they want to install the downloaded apps to the onboard storage, or to the external storage card. Also added is the ability to choose any region/market from which you want to download and install apps. What this means is that even if you are living outside US, you can still access the US store and install the apps from there by simply changing your region to “United States”.

Earlier this week, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer unveiled the next generation of Windows phones called the Windows Phone 7 Series in his keynote address at the Mobile World Congress 2010. Windows Phone 7 Series refers to the next-generation Windows phones running Windows Phone OS 7.0. The current version of Windows Mobile 6.5.x and Windows Marketplace for Mobile however aren’t dead yet. They are going to co-exist with the new platform and will be rebranded as Windows Phone Classic and Windows Phone Marketplace respectively. More info on Windows Phone Classic and Windows Phone 7 Series will be unveiled next month at this years MIX10 conference in Las Vegas.

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