Just Bing it! – Start Bing’ing the Internet!


The Live Search service is still up at live.com and will be completely replaced by Bing when it is fully launched later this year.

Make sure you check out these links to learn more about Bing.com

Discover Bing
Bing Community

June 1st 2009 marks the day when Microsoft has officially launched a public preview version of their fresh new “decision search” engine called Bing. Bing.com page is both catchy and attractive. The biggest & the most important question here of course is that whether Bing can produce better or even equivalent search results to Google?

I will have the final say on this in the upcoming days when I have done enough testing with Bing to compare it with Google Search.


The Live Search service is still up at live.com and will be completely replaced by Bing when it is fully launched later this year.

Make sure you check out these links to learn more about Bing.com

Discover Bing
Bing Community