Jailbreakers and Unlockers: Do Not Update to iPhone OS 3.1 Yet

iPhone 3.1 JailbreakiPhone 3.1 Jailbreak like it” event this Wednesday. All iPhone users who have either jailbroken or unlocked their iPhone with firmware 3.0.x should avoid updating to iPhone OS 3.1 unless the infamous Dev-Team releases updated versions of redsn0w and ultrasn0w for firmware 3.1. This is what the Dev-Team have to say about it:

If you update to Apple’s new software using the normal iTunes process, you will lose your ultrasn0w unlock. In fact you may lose it permanently, because for most people the baseband firmware cannot be reverted to a previous version (unlike the main application CPU firmware).

But don’t worry…our PwnageTool program let’s you update your main firmware without touching your baseband firmware, so you can still have the best of both worlds.  But you must be diligent about saying “no” to your iTunes request this week to update your firmware.

In short, if you can’t live without your jailbroken and/or unlocked iPhone, then do not click the tempting “Update” button on iTunes unless the Dev-Team says so.

A quick reminder for iPhone jailbreakers and unlockers – Apple is expected to announce the new iPhone OS 3.1 firmware at their “It’s only rock and roll, but we like it” event this Wednesday. All iPhone users who have either jailbroken or unlocked their iPhone with firmware 3.0.x should avoid updating to iPhone OS 3.1 unless the infamous Dev-Team releases updated versions of redsn0w and ultrasn0w for firmware 3.1. This is what the Dev-Team have to say about it:

If you update to Apple’s new software using the normal iTunes process, you will lose your ultrasn0w unlock. In fact you may lose it permanently, because for most people the baseband firmware cannot be reverted to a previous version (unlike the main application CPU firmware).

But don’t worry…our PwnageTool program let’s you update your main firmware without touching your baseband firmware, so you can still have the best of both worlds.  But you must be diligent about saying “no” to your iTunes request this week to update your firmware.

In short, if you can’t live without your jailbroken and/or unlocked iPhone, then do not click the tempting “Update” button on iTunes unless the Dev-Team says so.