iPad Jailbreakers, Do Not Update to iOS 3.2.2 Until New Jailbreak Tool is Available

iPad Jailbreak with SpiritiPad Jailbreak with Spirit

So, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ! Stay tuned as we will let you know as soon as the new jailbreak tool is available for download.

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iOS 3.2.2 has been released to patch the PDF exploit used by JailbreakMe. If you love your jailbroken iPad on iOS 3.2.1 and want to keep the jailbreak, DO NOT update to this new firmware yet or you’ll lose the jailbreak because there is currently no tool available yet which can jailbreak iPad, iPhone and iPod touches on their respective new firmwares.

So, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ! Stay tuned as we will let you know as soon as the new jailbreak tool is available for download.

You can follow me on twitter or join our facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest jailbreaking and unlocking releases.