How To Add Glowing Apple Logo To iPhone 7 [Video]

Want to install a glowing Apple logo mod on your iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus? The good news is that you can, and the video below details on how to do it.

Apple’s newly announced MacBook Pros are great-looking machines, but there is one thing that is missing – the glowing Apple logo on the back. We have become accustomed to that logo shining a light for a long time now, and while some Mac models have seen it die a death, the MacBook Pro saw the light live on. Until Apple’s new MacBook Pros were announced yesterday.

iPhone 7 apple logo glowing modiPhone 7 apple logo glowing mod

There’s one place that many people have long wished Apple would add the glowing logo though, and that’s the iPhone. Rumors of glowing Apple logos on iPhones have been around for far too long, and while it’s possible Apple has toyed with the idea of doing such a think in the past, we have never seen one actually made. Well, that’s not strictly true actually.

While Apple itself hasn’t made an iPhone with a glowing logo, that hasn’t stopped third-parties from giving it a try, and we now have video of an iPhone 7 Plus getting the glowing treatment, and it looks gorgeous.

The video shows a Jet Black iPhone 7 Plus being taken to a specialist in Washington in order to have the modification carried out and while the process is not for the faint of heart – it takes four LEDs from a donor iPhone 6 and a matter of hours to carry out – the end results cannot be argued with. A Jet Black iPhone 7 with a glowing white Apple logo is a thing of beauty. And we want one.

But alas, taking an iPhone 7 to Washington is the first hurdle, and then you have to deal with any potential issues that arise from the work. Namely, you’ll have no warranty. While that may not bother some, when we’re talking about a Jet Black iPhone these things are far from cheap to replace if something goes wrong.

Bear that in mind when deciding how much you want that glowing logo!

(source: EverythingApplePro [YouTube])

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