iPhone 6 Display Put Under A Microscope, Reveals Screen Resolution For 4.7-inch Model

If there’s one thing that’s bound to get hardware aficionados excited, it’s screen resolutions. More than just sheer numbers, screen resolutions determine how sharp text looks on our displays, and how well those photographs of your kids pop when zoomed right in. Screen resolution is the kind of thing you don’t really notice until you use a smartphone with a resolution that’s a little lacking.

So as you might expect, the upcoming iPhone 6 finds itself very much at the center of a few questions surrounding its screen resolution, with varying points of view emanating from different corners of the internet.

iPhone 6iPhone 6

You’ll remember that not long ago we told you about Feld & Volk, a Russian phone retailer that had managed to take photos of an assembled iPhone 6, be it a little worse for wear and featuring parts that were likely not quite final. Still, it’s the best we’ve seen yet, and that led to calls for the company to put the iPhone 6’s screen under a microscope in order to try and put the screen resolution argument to bed for once and for all.

The result, according to the Russian outlet, is that the screen they have in their possession has a resolution of 1704 x 960, which is the same resolution that has been reported previously as well.

However, that’s not the end of that.

MacRumors has been studying the microscope image and believes that Feld & Volk has been doing its sums wrong, with the screen actually having a resolution of 1472 x 828. Confused? You will be.

The resolution that Mac Rumors has come up wit actually fits with a separate rumor that claims that a new resolution has been found in an iOS 8 beta, and that resolution? You guessed it, 1472 x 828.

While we’re not sure where to take this at the moment, it’s possible that Apple will in fact use both resolutions, with one used for its 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the other for its 5.5-inch model. It’s also possible that some of these rumors are simply out of date, and that Apple has settled on one resolution after testing a range of others. At this point, we just don’t know.

We will know soon enough though. With Apple’s iPhone 6 expected to be announced in early-September, we don’t have to wait too much longer at all.

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