iOS 4.3 vs. iOS 4.2.1 Web Browsing Speed Test [Video]

iOS 4.3 SafariiOS 4.3 Safari

Gizmodo did have a video showing the speed increase which unfortunately seems to have been pulled. We've imbedded it below just in case it re-appears but the general gist is this: don't expect a night and day increase in speed.

In loading the NY Times website in Mobile Safari, the new iOS version shows a decreased loading time of a couple of seconds when compared to iOS 4.2.1. Not a massive difference, though any speed increase is obviously welcome!

UPDATE: iSpazio has now got another video which shows marginal to significant speed difference between Safari on iOS 4.3 and iOS 4.2.1 when browsing different websites:

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With the iOS 4.3 Golden Master hitting dev’s iPhones and iPads the world over, we’ve all been wondering just how much faster Safari is now that the new JavaScript optimizations have been added. The answer? A bit.

Gizmodo did have a video showing the speed increase which unfortunately seems to have been pulled. We’ve imbedded it below just in case it re-appears but the general gist is this: don’t expect a night and day increase in speed.

In loading the NY Times website in Mobile Safari, the new iOS version shows a decreased loading time of a couple of seconds when compared to iOS 4.2.1. Not a massive difference, though any speed increase is obviously welcome!

UPDATE: iSpazio has now got another video which shows marginal to significant speed difference between Safari on iOS 4.3 and iOS 4.2.1 when browsing different websites:

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