How To Fix iOS 18 No Service Issue After Upgrading On iPhone

Here’s how to fix the iOS 18 No Service issue after upgrading your iPhone to iOS 18 including options that hopefully won’t require losing any data.

Now that iOS 18 is available for download you might have found that you’re now facing the odd issue. This is relatively normal whenever Apple releases a big new version of iOS, and most of the time the fix can be applied without having to restore the iPhone or lose any data. Here’s what you can try, and good luck!

Toggle Airplane Mode On & Off

Sometimes cycling the cellular modem can be enough to make your iPhone connect to your carrier, so give that a try first.

Restart iPhone

A full restart of your iPhone can often be required to kick things back into gear, and it’s definitely something to consider if the airplane mode trick didn’t work.

Check Your iPhone’s SIM card

This will only work if your iPhone has a SIM card of course, but if it does we’d suggest removing it and then reinserting it to see if that gets things working as they should.

Reset Network Settings

This isn’t a fun option, but it might work. Open the Settings app and go to General > Reset > Reset Network Settings and confirm. This will wipe all of your network settings, including WiFi passwords.

Reset Your iPhone

It’s a nuclear option, but it might be the only way to go. It resets all of your network settings and can sometimes be what’s required to make your device connect to your carrier again.

If Nothing Works, Contact Apple

If none of the tips above work we’d suggest reaching out to Apple. You can do that in a variety of ways but going to your local Apple Store can be the easiest option.

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