Another Popular Google Voice App, GV Mobile+ Hits the iPhone App Store!

GV Mobile GV Mobile

GV Mobile+ was available in the App Store (albeit for an extremely short period) earlier this year but then Apple canned it cause it “duplicated features that the iPhone comes with (read: Dialer, SMS etc)”. Developer Sean Kovacs was hence forced to move it to Cydia for jailbroken iPhones.

But GV Mobile+ has just now hit the App Store! It costs a nice $2.99 (like GV Connect) and brings all the greatness of Google Voice right on your iPhone!

This will not work for the iPad currently. A updated version was just submitted to address the issue. Many apologies.
Please remove any Cydia based version you have installed as it may conflict with this version.
I WILL help any and everyone if you give me a chance. Contact support if the Support page doesn't help!
Now to the good stuff...
Google Voice is only available in The United States.
You must already have a Google Voice account in order for this application to work.
GV Mobile + brings the power of Google Voice to your iPhone.
GV Mobile+ allows users of Google Voice to do the following with ease:
+dial numbers via the iPhone address book, entering on the keypad, or choosing from the internal favorites
+send, retrieve, and delete SMS messages
+retrieve and delete recent call history
+playback and delete voicemails
+take calls from different phones other than your iPhone
+enable, disable, add, or delete the phones that Google Voice forwards calls to
How does GV Mobile + work?
GV Mobile + initiates a secure connection with Google and sends a command to do various tasks (call, send sms, etc).
GV Mobile + communicates only with Google and no one else.
Please note that GV Mobile+ relies heavily on the use of a data connection (3G, EDGE, Wifi, etc). If your data connection is weak, this app may not function properly.By using GV Mobile +, you understand that I am not liable for data charges you may incur.Any drastic changes on Google's end may make GV Mobile + inoperable.
(GV Mobile is not a product of Google)

What a nice little ending. Happy endings, they make me cry. *sniff*

Download GV Mobile+ for iPhone [iTunes Link]

Make sure you check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone and iPad.

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You can follow us on twitter or join our facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.

Competition is good. Real good. Android’s ‘openness’ and mighty sales seems to have finally effected the way Apple handles the App Store. The recently announced relaxed App Store restrictions and App Review Guidelines are now in action, readers!

GV Mobile+ was available in the App Store (albeit for an extremely short period) earlier this year but then Apple canned it cause it “duplicated features that the iPhone comes with (read: Dialer, SMS etc)”. Developer Sean Kovacs was hence forced to move it to Cydia for jailbroken iPhones.

But GV Mobile+ has just now hit the App Store! It costs a nice $2.99 (like GV Connect) and brings all the greatness of Google Voice right on your iPhone!

This will not work for the iPad currently. A updated version was just submitted to address the issue. Many apologies.
Please remove any Cydia based version you have installed as it may conflict with this version.
I WILL help any and everyone if you give me a chance. Contact support if the Support page doesn’t help!
Now to the good stuff…
Google Voice is only available in The United States.
You must already have a Google Voice account in order for this application to work.
GV Mobile + brings the power of Google Voice to your iPhone.
GV Mobile+ allows users of Google Voice to do the following with ease:
+dial numbers via the iPhone address book, entering on the keypad, or choosing from the internal favorites
+send, retrieve, and delete SMS messages
+retrieve and delete recent call history
+playback and delete voicemails
+take calls from different phones other than your iPhone
+enable, disable, add, or delete the phones that Google Voice forwards calls to
How does GV Mobile + work?
GV Mobile + initiates a secure connection with Google and sends a command to do various tasks (call, send sms, etc).
GV Mobile + communicates only with Google and no one else.
Please note that GV Mobile+ relies heavily on the use of a data connection (3G, EDGE, Wifi, etc). If your data connection is weak, this app may not function properly.By using GV Mobile +, you understand that I am not liable for data charges you may incur.Any drastic changes on Google’s end may make GV Mobile + inoperable.
(GV Mobile is not a product of Google)

What a nice little ending. Happy endings, they make me cry. *sniff*

Download GV Mobile+ for iPhone [iTunes Link]

Make sure you check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone and iPad.

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You can follow us on twitter or join our facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google and Apple.