Fix Twitter Error ‘Failed To Update Your Push Notification Settings’ In iOS App, Here’s How

Using the official Twitter app for iPhone and iPad? Having trouble changing your push notifications settings in the app? Also not getting any push notification from the official Twitter client on iOS? Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to fix it.

Twitter’s official app is among the most used apps on smartphones today, with users hooking up to the service for keeping up with topics of their interest, or at times, just expressing an opinion to the world. While the more power-users look to dig into some third-party apps for handling their Twitter needs, the free official iOS app suffice for most casual users, that is if they don’t encounter the push notification problem. There have been, and continue to be users out there who complain that changing push notifications settings within the Twitter app on iOS from Settings -> <your username> -> Mobile notifications results in the “Failed to update your push notification settings” error message. Not just that, the push notifications themselves also fails to work. Rebooting the device and re-installing the app doesn’t help either.

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Turns out, it’s actually pretty easy to fix, as we’ll show you how below.

Step 1: Head over to the main Twitter website via any browser, and log in to you Twitter account.

Step 2: Once you’ve logged in, simply click your profile picture’s thumbnail, next to the Tweet button. Now select Settings from the resultant menu that appears.


Step 3: From the Settings options listed in the left panel, select Apps. You will now see all apps that you may have used to access Twitter with in the past, and if the list is big, well, you’ll see why that matters in the next step.

Step 4: Now you need to revoke access to all listed apps here by hitting the Revoke access button. More importantly, make sure to revoke access for the iOS Twitter app as well. Look for “iOS by Apple” in the list, and revoke it.

Once done, logout of your Twitter account in iOS and reboot your device.

After the reboot, login into Twitter for iOS again, and now change the push notification settings within the app.

You should now no longer receive the “Failed to update your push notification settings” error message.

Before and After

Did the above solution help fix your problem? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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