Download 6 More Paid iOS Apps Worth $12 Absolutely Free Right Now

The App Store is loaded with apps and games, and while there are plenty of gems, actually weedling them out can often be a trying task. Still, that’s what we’re here for, and not only do we have a selection of half a dozen great apps, but they’ve also ditched their regular prices and just gone absolutely free. So if you want to stock up on a few freebies, check out the list below.

Free apps iOSFree apps iOS

IdeaPlaces ($3.99 – FREE / iPhone)


This app essentially geo-tags your Evernotes, allowing you to establish precisely where you had a particular brainwave, set a reminder, or decided to get cracking on your novel.

Download it on iTunes here.

USB Disk Pro ($0.99 – FREE / iPhone)

As the name suggests, this app turns your device into a portable USB storage device. It’s simple to set up, and wherever space isn’t being used up by your apps, games, and other such content, it can instead be utilized for the purpose of transferring and holding data.

Download it on iTunes here.

Superimpose Studio ($2.99 – FREE / iPhone and iPad)

This simple image editing app lets you remove certain portions of an image, including background or subject, and combine them with other snaps.

Download it on iTunes here.

Cambush ($0.99 – FREE / iPhone and iPad)

This spy cam app begins recording when it detects movement, and as well as letting you record people when they think they’re not being watched, also makes for a pretty nifty prank.

Download it on iTunes here.

CARROT Alarm ($1.99 – FREE / iPhone and iPad)

This unconventional alarm clock app turns the often cumbersome rigmarole of waking up into something of a game. You can pick up rewards and achievements along the way, and also, y’know, wake up.

Download it on iTunes here.

Sworkit Pro ($0.99 – FREE / iPhone and iPad)

This circuit training app will get you off your feet and into shape in no time, and what’s more, it requires no equipment.

Download it on iTunes here.

And that completes our list for the day. We hope, as ever, that you found something in here to take your fancy, and if, like us, you’re always on the hunt for a few freebies over at the iTunes App Store, then be sure to join us again tomorrow for more paid apps gone free of charge!

Note: These apps are available for free for a limited time only. Download them as soon as possible as these deals usually don’t last for more than 24-hours after posting.

Be sure to check out our iPhone Apps Gallery and iPad Apps Gallery to explore more apps for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

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