Cydia Substrate Update Adds iOS 14 Jailbreak Support, More

The popular Cydia Substrate update is out with preminary iOS 14 jailbreak support. Cydia Substrate is used by various jailbreaks including checkra1n and unc0ver jailbreaks. The new release, which was pushed out Monday evening, sees the package bumped to version 0.9.7105.

This latest version of Cydia Substrate has once again been authored by jailbreak legend Jay Freeman and introduces some sophisticated memory management techniques that will make the package a lot more reliable and show more consideration toward the system memory.


The full changelog for Cydia Substrate version 0.9.7105 is as follows:

Cydia Substrate 0.9.7105 uses slightly less memory (which is good) by also avoiding some key side effects with respect to library bundles (which is even better) but also attempts to prevent processes with memory limits from crashing due to Substrate extensions (as some processes fundamentally will have only just enough memory to run normally); it also fixes an issue on iOS 14 where Substrate failed to allow tvOS binaries to run on iOS (and vice versa).

In addition to making Cydia Substrate a little more sophisticated in terms of handling memory limitations and providing a better experience for users and tweak developers, it seems that Jay Freeman has also got one eye on the future of iOS jailbreak development. In particular, this release fixes some issues when running on devices running Apple’s new iOS 14 platform. Of course, iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 aren’t out in the wild yet but there are plenty of jailbreak developers already taken a keen interest in that platform.

This should be particularly good news for any device owners who are hoping to be up and running with a jailbreak as soon as iOS 14 is released into the public domain later this year. There is no guarantee that a jailbreak will be ready and waiting as soon as iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 are released but it’s definitely positive news that some of the dependencies are being updated to offer at least modest support.

If you are jailbroken and using a jailbreak that utilizes Cydia Substrate for tweak injection, then you can find the latest update to version 0.9.7105 by refreshing sources in Cydia and locating the package in the Sam Binger repository. This is something that you will want to do right away.

If you are on iPhone X or below, you can already jailbreak iOS 13.6 using checkra1n, instructions for which can be found in the video embedded below:

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