Chorma For iPhone Lets You Organize Chores And Coordinate With Family Members


Most of the main information is accessed from the options within the tab bar of the app. A specific person’s chores can be easily accessed from the first button with all listed chores, household members and activity also being accessible from the remaining buttons. Believe it or not, the Chorma application actually tries to entice us into getting the chores done by offering Chorma points for each completed task. Points don't actually make physical prizes in this instance, but when enough has been accumulated, the app does suggest a nice household activity to ensure that balance and harmony is retained.


The app is a nice example of keeping something simple and only attempts to focus on the one thing that it is good at. Although, it does contain certain aspects that could be cleaned up and made to look a little less child-like and a bit more elegant, it is nevertheless a great little productivity app that is entirely free-of-charge to use.

(Source: Chorma for the iPhone on the App Store)

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With age and adulthood comes additional responsibilities, and although very few of us actually like or enjoy going about our daily chores, we all generally understand that they have to be done. Some households may have large families living in them and find it difficult to delegate individual chores to individual family members. Alternatively, it could just be a lone person who has difficulty remembering what needs to be done on any given day. Regardless of the situation, the Chorma iPhone app by Stephen Bennett could put a little sanity into that ever-expanding task list.

Chorma definitely has one of the strangest names of any app we have come across on the App Store, managing to conjure up images of both household chores as well as an exotic Indian curry dish, but if you can push that thought to one side it is actually a very functional and cute application. The interface is bright and bubbly with a simple and intuitive navigation structure as well as a plethora of bright icons that make everything stand out that little bit more.

Most of the main information is accessed from the options within the tab bar of the app. A specific person’s chores can be easily accessed from the first button with all listed chores, household members and activity also being accessible from the remaining buttons. Believe it or not, the Chorma application actually tries to entice us into getting the chores done by offering Chorma points for each completed task. Points don’t actually make physical prizes in this instance, but when enough has been accumulated, the app does suggest a nice household activity to ensure that balance and harmony is retained.

The app is a nice example of keeping something simple and only attempts to focus on the one thing that it is good at. Although, it does contain certain aspects that could be cleaned up and made to look a little less child-like and a bit more elegant, it is nevertheless a great little productivity app that is entirely free-of-charge to use.

(Source: Chorma for the iPhone on the App Store)

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