Pokemon Go daily bonus feature update is now live across iOS and Android devices with additional bonuses being offered for a limited time. Here are all the details.
Pokemon Go Gen 2 references have been found following APK teardown as release date rumors are starting to fill in. Here are the details.
Niantic Labs is in the process of rolling out Pokemon Go 1.15.0 for iOS and 0.45.0 for Android. With this update, the team is looking to not only push the title forward, but to also ensure that Trainers remain loyal to the experience and don't hit that delete button/uninstall button on the app.
Pokemon Go Nearby Pokemon tracking feature has been updated. It has finally expanded to new locations beyond San Francisco. Here are the details.
Ride sharing firm Uber has today taken the wraps off its newly updated app, with the refresh being the first since the last time Uber gave its main app a lick of paint back in 2012.
Here's how to get faster and more reliable Internet connect, be it Wi-Fi or data, on your iPhone or Android device.
Pokemon Go 1.13.4 update for iOS and 0.43.4 APK update for Android available to download right now for supported devices.
WhatsApp video call feature is live in 2.16.318 beta for Android. Here's how to download and enable this feature now.
Niantic Labs has released Pokemon Go version 1.11.4 for iOS, and version 0.41.4 for Android, bringing a number of minor improvements and fixes to the extremely popular augmented reality-based game.
iOS 10 rich notifications support has been added to iOS version of Instagram, while both iOS and Android versions also gained improvements on how likes are displayed.