Apple’s iWatch Coming Next Month, Says Gruber

With no hardware based leak thus far, Apple’s elusive iWatch can safely be classified as the unicorn of the tech world. But according to a report that has been published a while back, we might have concrete proof that the iWatch is indeed real, and it’s pretty much right on our face for announcement and subsequent release.

According to veteran Apple pundit John Gruber, Apple’s smartwatch effort will bear fruit next month, the very same month in which the iPhone 6 is expected to be unveiled in a dedicated keynote. But the revelation does not spill the beans whether or not the iWatch will indeed be announced alongside the iPhone 6 or whether it would be announced separately.

It looks like Motorola’s designers tried to draw as much attention as they could to the 360’s stupid flat-tire display shape.

The only way this could get funnier would be if it doesn’t even ship until after Apple announces their wrist wearable thing next month.

Gruber has had a solid track record when it comes to Apple based news and rumors, so it’s highly likely that the guy has got this one spot on. But the thing that baffles us the most is: why no hardware leak so far? If we’re to take a rough guess, that’s probably because the iWatch is not being manufactured in China – which is a leaking heaven if you’re asking us – and it’s highly likely that the wrist wearable is being manufactured in Apple’s home ground, the United States, just like the Mac Pro.

But that’s just a guess, and we could be completely wrong on that one, therefore take our guess with a pinch of Sodium Chloride.

We’ve seen a lot of reports from time to time suggesting that the iWatch will see the light of day in fall, and if all those pieces are compiled together, then it’s safe to say that Apple could be on to a game changing wearable. With the HealthKit infrastructure a part of iOS 8 – which is also due for release this fall alongside the release of the iPhone 6 – that’s evidence enough that Apple wants to take the wearable market into its own hand with a product that integrates nicely with its bitten apple bearing smartphone.

September is not that far off, and we’ll leave it up to Apple to do all the unveiling.

(Source: DaringFireball)

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