Flappy Bird Developer Releases Ninja Spinki Challenges Game For iOS, Android [Download]

Remember Dong Nguyen, the guy behind the 2014 phenomenon that was Flappy Bird? Sure you do, because he was a pretty big deal for a while there and made unimaginable sums of money from what was essentially a very simple game.

Nguyen disappeared for a good while, claiming he didn’t want the fame that came with making such a wildly popular game. He even took the game off the App Store. Now he’s back, and he has a new game for us to play – Ninja Spinki Challenges!!.


Available to download for free from both the App Store and Google Play Store, Ninja Spinki Challenges!! is a collection of six mini-games that require gamers to successfully complete a collection of trials that are aimed at training them to become a ninja. At first blush, the game isn’t quite so unforgiving as the infamously brutal Flappy Bird, but things soon start to get a little bit difficult.

The artstyle is identical to that of Nyugen’s previous works – the protagonist seems to have been lifted from the developer’s Swing Copters series – though the interface and gameplay do feel more refined in comparison.

Whether the game will enjoy the same success that Flappy Bird managed to achieve remains to be seen, and while that title managed to tap into the gamer inside all of us, this game may be a little too game-y to appeal to the same audience. We’ll have to wait and see.

As for myself, I’m not sure I’m quite ready to be infuriated at my own inability to play a game in the same way I was the first time around.


You can download Ninja Spinki Challenges!! to your iOS or Android device right now from the links provided below. Just remember to keep your cool – beating your friend’s high score might not be worth popping a blood vessel.

(Download: Ninja Spinki Challenges!! for iOS on the App Store)
(Download: Ninja Spinki Challenges!! for Android on the Play Store)

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