Apple may have released iOS 9.1 for public consumption, and subsequently stopped digitally signing the iOS 9.0.2 firmware, but that doesn’t immediately put an end to the world of jailbreaking. The Pangu 9 tool, which is now available for Windows and Mac OS X, can continue to liberate devices for users who managed to get themselves onto iOS 9.0.2 before Apple stopped signing it. But are you sitting on the fence about whether or not you should remain on iOS 9.0.2 and jailbreak, or update to iOS 9.1 and be done with it?
The reasons for jailbreaking are pretty endless, with every person having their own reason. That could be because there’s a must-have tweak out there that brings functionality that you’ve always craved, or it could be simply because you don’t like the draconian control that Apple places over its devices and you wish to take back control, well some of it at least. If you are wondering whether or not to jailbreak, this video could possibly entice you as it goes through 120 of the top tweaks and extensions available for jailbroken iOS 9 devices right now.
Here’s the full list of 120 jailbreak tweaks that are mentioned and discussed in the video. All tweaks have been shown to be compatible with iOS 9 and the Pangu jailbreak available for iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, and 9.0.2.
- Tether
- InstaLauncher
- BrowserTabs
- SleepFX
- Pegasus
- LockLight
- Shortcuts
- OneHandWizard
- Cylinder
- Badgomizer
- GrabberApp8
- HotDog
- AlwaysMore for Spotlight
- iProtect
- iWidgets
- StatusbarColor
- Polus
- ColorFont2
- Record ‘n’ Torch
- RecordPause
- RomanPasscode
- SBIconAlpha
- SBPowerAlert
- SpotWhite
- TransparentVolume8
- SwitcherFlipper
- FaceDown
- Mutiny
- Folder6Plus
- Swipe Home
- BreadcrumbsAway
- FullFolder9
- Stealth Cam
- HideSettingsSearch
- TimeUntilAlarm
- No Carrier Name
- Universal Mute
- EasyRespring
- Icon Renamer
- SaveGram
- SwipeForMore
- SameStatus
- GrabberTime
- BerryC8
- Cistem Aperio
- LastApp
- CCNowPlaying
- FakeCarrier
- RevealNC 9
- BatteryLife
- PhotoSize
- SwitcherBadges
- Allarm
- AlbumShot
- SafariTabCount
- StatusBarTimer
- Cask – (Repo:
- SleekCode
- Barrel
- Faces
- Alkaline
- Placeholder – (Repo:
- ShiftCycle
- Almpoum
- CCMeters
- CCLoader
- BetterFiveColumnHomescreen – (Repo:
- EasylowPowerMode
- ForceColor
- NoSlowAnimations
- InstaTools
- Fuse
- SwipeSelection
- NC Date Customizer
- UnlockSound
- DeleteForever
- CustomNotificationSound
- Bloard
- BlurryBadges
- BatteryIcon
- SpotlightBeGone
- Forcy
- Speed Intensifier
- Apex 2
- CCBackground
- Minimal HUD
- AlarmVolume
- CustomLS2
- Portrait Lock
- ColorBadges
- ColorReachability
- Repair Settings Layout
- MultiIconMover+
- DockShift
- Switcher Speedster
- SharePro
- NoPageDots7
- BetterShutdown
- DoubleCut
- AdvancedSettings8
- RevealMenu
- CClean
- Date In Statusbar – (Repo:
- CCSettings
- StatusHUD 2
- IconBounce
- GlowBadge
- RoundDock
- BetterFourByFourFolders – (Repo:
- Activator
- BetterFiveIconDock – (Repo:
- FlipControlCenter
- Aeuria LS
- CircleIcons
- Hide Labels
- EnableLivePhotos
- SwitcherTweak
- GlowBoard
- StopCCinApp
- FolderEnhancer
(Source: iReviews [YouTube])
For tutorials on how to jailbreak iOS 9, 9.0.1, 9.0.2:
- How To Jailbreak iOS 9.0.2 On Any iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Using Pangu 9 [Tutorial] (Windows)
- How To Jailbreak iOS 9.0.2 With Pangu For Mac OS X [Guide] (Mac)
You may like to check out:
- iOS 9.1 Jailbreak Status Update
- Jailbreak iOS 9, 9.0.2, 9.0.1 With Pangu 9 On iPhone And iPad [Updated]
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