Top 120 Reasons To Jailbreak Your iPhone Or iPad On iOS 9 [Video]

Apple may have released iOS 9.1 for public consumption, and subsequently stopped digitally signing the iOS 9.0.2 firmware, but that doesn’t immediately put an end to the world of jailbreaking. The Pangu 9 tool, which is now available for Windows and Mac OS X, can continue to liberate devices for users who managed to get themselves onto iOS 9.0.2 before Apple stopped signing it. But are you sitting on the fence about whether or not you should remain on iOS 9.0.2 and jailbreak, or update to iOS 9.1 and be done with it?

The reasons for jailbreaking are pretty endless, with every person having their own reason. That could be because there’s a must-have tweak out there that brings functionality that you’ve always craved, or it could be simply because you don’t like the draconian control that Apple places over its devices and you wish to take back control, well some of it at least. If you are wondering whether or not to jailbreak, this video could possibly entice you as it goes through 120 of the top tweaks and extensions available for jailbroken iOS 9 devices right now.

120 reasons to jailbreak main

Here’s the full list of 120 jailbreak tweaks that are mentioned and discussed in the video. All tweaks have been shown to be compatible with iOS 9 and the Pangu jailbreak available for iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, and 9.0.2.

  1. Tether
  2. InstaLauncher
  3. BrowserTabs
  4. SleepFX
  5. Pegasus
  6. LockLight
  7. Shortcuts
  8. OneHandWizard
  9. Cylinder
  10. Badgomizer
  11. GrabberApp8
  12. HotDog
  13. AlwaysMore for Spotlight
  14. iProtect
  15. iWidgets
  16. StatusbarColor
  17. Polus
  18. ColorFont2
  19. Record ‘n’ Torch
  20. RecordPause
  21. RomanPasscode
  22. SBIconAlpha
  23. SBPowerAlert
  24. SpotWhite
  25. TransparentVolume8
  26. SwitcherFlipper
  27. FaceDown
  28. Mutiny
  29. Folder6Plus
  30. Swipe Home
  31. BreadcrumbsAway
  32. FullFolder9
  33. Stealth Cam
  34. HideSettingsSearch
  35. TimeUntilAlarm
  36. No Carrier Name
  37. Universal Mute
  38. EasyRespring
  39. Icon Renamer
  40. SaveGram
  41. SwipeForMore
  42. SameStatus
  43. GrabberTime
  44. BerryC8
  45. Cistem Aperio
  46. LastApp
  47. CCNowPlaying
  48. FakeCarrier
  49. RevealNC 9
  50. BatteryLife
  51. PhotoSize
  52. SwitcherBadges
  53. Allarm
  54. AlbumShot
  55. SafariTabCount
  56. StatusBarTimer
  57. Cask – (Repo:
  58. SleekCode
  59. Barrel
  60. Faces
  61. Alkaline
  62. Placeholder – (Repo:
  63. ShiftCycle
  64. Almpoum
  65. CCMeters
  66. CCLoader
  67. BetterFiveColumnHomescreen – (Repo:
  68. EasylowPowerMode
  69. ForceColor
  70. NoSlowAnimations
  71. InstaTools
  72. Fuse
  73. SwipeSelection
  74. NC Date Customizer
  75. UnlockSound
  76. DeleteForever
  77. CustomNotificationSound
  78. Bloard
  79. BlurryBadges
  80. BatteryIcon
  81. SpotlightBeGone
  82. Forcy
  83. Speed Intensifier
  84. Apex 2
  85. CCBackground
  86. Minimal HUD
  87. AlarmVolume
  88. CustomLS2
  89. Portrait Lock
  90. ColorBadges
  91. ColorReachability
  92. Repair Settings Layout
  93. MultiIconMover+
  94. DockShift
  95. Switcher Speedster
  96. SharePro
  97. NoPageDots7
  98. BetterShutdown
  99. DoubleCut
  100. AdvancedSettings8
  101. RevealMenu
  102. CClean
  103. Date In Statusbar – (Repo:
  104. CCSettings
  105. StatusHUD 2
  106. IconBounce
  107. GlowBadge
  108. RoundDock
  109. BetterFourByFourFolders – (Repo:
  110. Activator
  111. BetterFiveIconDock – (Repo:
  112. FlipControlCenter
  113. Aeuria LS
  114. CircleIcons
  115. Hide Labels
  116. EnableLivePhotos
  117. SwitcherTweak
  118. GlowBoard
  119. StopCCinApp
  120. FolderEnhancer

(Source: iReviews [YouTube])

For tutorials on how to jailbreak iOS 9, 9.0.1, 9.0.2:

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